Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fw: Art Gallery

------Original Message------
From: Pauline McLeod
To: Pauline McLeod
To: Vicki Robinson
To: Melanie Sutton
To: Bonnar Louise
To: Marie McLeod
To: Ryan Jan
ReplyTo: Pauline McLeod
Sent: May 22, 2008 3:46 AM
Subject: Art Gallery

Before we left I was asked by several teachers to help with visual images and music. Today I read the words of PaulKlee . Who said Make a line and take it for a walk Play some classical music an let the students listen then draw. Have fun
Today we went to see P aulKlee and Monet and Picasso exhibition. Do you know why these painters are famous ?
We had lunch at a smalll pub hich had typical austrian music a man did some yoldling
Tomorrow we head for a. Country that talks to your tummy


1 comment:

Room 5 said...

We were in the right part of the world but are pleased to now know exactly where you are. We will be able to track you on our world map. We will do some research on horses, artists and composers. We have decided that you might be heading for Hungry or Turkey as they both appeal to our tummies.

Also I am pretty sure that the 12 June is fine. Not all have confirmed but RC did.